Energy Crisis
Reliable Access to Space
How to harvest solar power? Beam it down from space!
Skyrocketing oil prices, irreversible climate change and rapid resource depletion is reviving the rationale of large-scale orbital solar power plants generating/beaming clean power electro-magnetically to earth. A major obstacle however is a lack of "cheap and reliable access to space" (Farrar/CNN), a necessity for launching hundreds of components to construct the mega orbital structures. Cheap and reliable access to space will consequently lead to a new renaissance - INTERSPACE commerce.
With the Apollo bygone history, the Space shuttle archaic & multistage rockets erratic, interspace commerce remains a futuristic myth. At task is both the complexity of multistage launching platforms as well as the despairingly poor payload efficacy, cost, scheduling and reentry hazards. USP #7,344,111 (March/08) however opens the door to an air breathing single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO/Uturn) hyperbole that would cheat/defeat the hypersonic scrounge & distill oxygen out of the rarified ambient air whilst accelerating to space. (Oxygen comprises 88% of the propellant weight at takeoff with H2/O2 propellant). Reentry would hence be affected in a reversed orientation to mitigate/spread the kinetic surcharge. The result is not only less complex rocket plane requiring less extravagance, but payload potential of five times that of prevailing art that would be able to use conventional landing facilities.
At task hence is venture funding to develop an industrial model, proof of principle components and a functional prototype. The Uturn (reversible aerospace plane) would be substantially scaleable and configured to suit the application. The Uturn would be an autonomous vehicle with passenger/cargo exchangeability.
Compression Augmentation Protocol (CAP)
Italian Version
Protocollo della compressione e dell'accrescimento
- Una nuova dimensione dell'innovazione propulsiva
- Quadrupla miglia per gallone
- Candela d'accensione o motore diesel
- Razionale controllo della miscela d'etanolo
- Modalità modificabili
- Brevetto pendente
L'antefatto - Il motore a combustione interna, come lo conosciamo oggi, è stato scoperto quasi comtemporaneamente in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, negli ultimi anni del diciannovesimo secolo. Inoltre a disporre di un albero a gomiti rotante (che è infatti stato la nemesi sia della macchina a vapore, sia del trattore a vapore, che dell'età della rivoluzione industriale vittoriana), tale motore comprendeva anche pistoni tramite i quali veniva avviare una combustione causata della miscela aria-combustibile al culmine del giro (il ciclo Diesel), e quindi tal motore era reso capace di accendersi per scoccare una scintilla mediante una candela (il ciclo Otto). In ambedue dei casi, la forza espansiva che risultava della miscela aria-combustibile accesa, faceva sì che abbassasse il pistone il quale applicava il momento torcente all'albero a gomiti. Un volano conservava l'inerzia e complementava, secondo le esigenze, il ciclo di compressione, che dipendendeva anche del numero dei pistoni. Data l'eleganza dell'accensione comandata, il ciclo Otto è diventata la tipologia scelta nel campo del motore a combustione interna, e questo si svilupperebbe inoltre nell'automobile dei tempi moderni.
French Version
Protocole de la compression et de l'augmentation
- Une nouvelle dimension à l'égard de l'innovation propulsive
- Quadruple nombre de kilomètres par litre
- Moteur diesel ou moteur à allumage
- Contrôle rationnel en vue du mélange de l'éthanol
- Modalités modifiables
- Brevet en cours d'homologation
Contexte historique: Le moteur à combustion interne, comme il est connu aujourd'hui, a été conceptualisé à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle, plus ou moins en même temps aux États-Unis qu'en Europe. Outre le fait de disposer d'un villebrequin rotatif (ce qui a en effet été la némésis du moteur à vapeur, du tracteur à vapeur, et celle de l'âge industriel victorien), le moteur constituait aussi des pistons qui provoquaient la combustion à travers un mélange d'air-carburant au bout du cycle (le cycle Diesel), et ensuite enflammé par une étincelle électrique (le cycle Otto). Dans tous les deux cas, la force expansive provenant du mélange carburé enflammé faisait descendre séquentiellement le piston appliquant le couple au vilebrequin. Le volant qui conservait l'inertie complémentait le cycle de compression selon le besoin, ce qui a été déterminé par le numéro de pistons. Grâce à l'élégance de l'allumage commandé mise en evidence par le cycle Otto, celui-ci est devenu le modèle utlisé par excellence au domaine du moteur à combustion interne, et aussi mènerait-il finalement à l'automobile moderne.
New dimension in automotive innovation.
- Breaking the compression barrier.
- Quadruple mileage per gallon.
- Diesel or spark plug ignition.
- Rational ethanol blending.
- Retrofit capability.
- Patent pending.
BACKGROUND: The internal combustion engine as we know it today was devised in the late 1800's practically simultaneously in the USA and Europe. The auto engine comprise a rotating crankshaft (the nemesis of the steam engine, steam tractors and Victorian industrial age) and pistons that compresses a fuel-air mixture that detonated at the zenith of the piston stroke (initial Diesel cycle) and via subsequent development fired via a spark plug (Otto cycle). In both instances the expansive force of the detonated/fired fuel-air charge drove the piston down that (sequentially) applies torque to the crankshaft. A flywheel conserves inertia & completes the compression loop to a lesser or larger extent depending on the number of pistons. Due to the elegance of controlled ignition the Otto cycle became the de facto internal combustion model that spawned the “automobile” of modern times.
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NASA Awards Two Contracts to Develop Private Spaceship
From Bloomberg News // August 19, 2006
NASA said Friday that it had awarded contracts valued at $485 million to two closely held companies to develop a cargo ship to serve the International Space Station, planting the seeds for a commercial space industry.
The contract for Commercial Orbital Transportation Services will be shared by Space Exploration Technologies Corp., also known as SpaceX, based in El Segundo, and Rocketplane Kistler, based in Oklahoma City. It is the first time the U.S. space agency has hired contractors to build a spaceship that private companies, not the government, would own.
"If the commercial sector can do it safely and more cost-effectively, it makes sense to buy that service," Scott Horowitz, a former astronaut and NASA's associate chief for exploration systems, said Friday on NASA TV. The space agency would be one of the potential customers, including private clients, that could buy rides into space.
The winners beat out two publicly traded companies, SpaceDev Inc. of Poway, Calif., and Webster, Texas-based Spacehab Inc., along with privately held Reston, Va.-based Transformational Space Corp. and Andrews Space Inc. of Seattle.
Neither winning contractor has sent a craft into orbit, much less negotiated the complicated procedure of docking with the space station.
SpaceX will receive the larger contract, at $278 million, NASA said. The money will help the company expand its move into manned spaceflight, SpaceX Chief Executive Elon Musk said.
"I think it could be some of the best money NASA's ever spent," he said.
SpaceX will probably increase its staff by 70% to 100% over the next year, said Musk, who has funded much of his company's growth with money he received when he sold the online payment company PayPal Inc. to EBay Inc.
Rocketplane Kistler, which will receive $207 million, also expects to use private funds to supplement the government grant, the company said.
Spacehab Inc
Transformational Space Corp.
Rocketplane Kistler